Fanfare Fans
Last weekend, while attending Detroit Fanfare, I sketched a few of the people walking around or sitting near the Ellie On Planet X table. Here’s a few pages. Chewie and the Thing weren’t in attendance, but the armadillo was!
Last weekend, while attending Detroit Fanfare, I sketched a few of the people walking around or sitting near the Ellie On Planet X table. Here’s a few pages. Chewie and the Thing weren’t in attendance, but the armadillo was!
Your sketches are amazing, James! So much color, movement and whimsy! I wish I had your sense of color!
By the way…I meant to type “Jim”, but I just responded to a client named James, saw your masthead, “By James Anderson”, and “James” is what came out. I like to think we’re less formal than that! =0)
You can be the McCoy to my Capt. Kirk. As long as I can call you “Bones”. What’s funny about the sketches, and totally unplanned, was that I was using the same colors I use for the comic. Find something the works and stick with it. 😀