May 6Ellie On Planet X: Science Diary!


Nov 29Mission Control, this is…Ellie On Planet X


Nov 12He ain’t heavy…
Oct 7Creature Beached
Sep 16Love is the 7th Wave
Sep 11Down to the Shore
Sep 2Sploosh!
Aug 12Hazzard-ous Roads
Aug 5the Game of Lunch
Jul 15Lost Lunch
Jul 8I wanna be at the beach
Jul 1A Tale as Old as Jeff
Jun 24Science is the Cure for Sadness
Jun 17Rural Roots
Jun 10Summer Wind


Aug 2The Jungle Oasis


Jul 7Opie’s Odyssey


Jul 9Teeming With Life
Jun 10Happy Birthday!
May 18What you don’t know…
Feb 25Curiouser and Curiouser


Aug 22Fuzzy Rumpus Redux
May 11Very Scary Territory
Apr 27Tub o’ Fun!
Feb 28Thank You, Mr. Nimoy
Feb 17A Sudden Reappearance


Sep 14Cultural Exchange
Mar 29Ellie’s House
Feb 17Jeff of the Jungle
Jan 6Awesome Science


Nov 7“Continental Breakfast” or “No Free Lunch”
Nov 4Tale of Doom
Oct 31A Halloween Interlude
Oct 24Gettin’ Fed-Time or Dread-Time
Oct 22Back in a Jiffy Pop
Oct 17Weight For Me
Oct 14Relief Pitcher
Oct 9To Blab or Blab Not
Oct 7Obviously Oblivious
Oct 3Satisfaction Guaranteed
Sep 30Uprooted
Sep 26Too Much of a Good Thing
Sep 23The Jungle Buffet
Sep 19Fat Stacks
Sep 16Just Dessert
Sep 12You Say Tomato
Sep 9Gossip Toss-Up
Sep 5Brain Size Isn’t Important
Sep 2Fact Is Fiction
Aug 29Gossip Over Lunch
Aug 22Shopping!
Aug 19The Mime’s Eyes
Aug 15Eyes on Planet X
Aug 12You’re Blowing My Mind
Aug 8Right Where He Belongs
Aug 5Muffin But Blue Skies
Aug 2Befuddled by Puddles
Aug 1All Day Rain
Jul 15Rain Delay
Jul 11Weather, Or Not
Jul 8Lost and Pounds
Jul 4Pondimonium
Jul 1The Latest Taste Sensation
Jun 27Sunny Side Up
Jun 25Show Stopper
Jun 20Mud Pack
Jun 17Mud Is Love
Jun 13Party Planning Preposterousness
Jun 10Multiple Choice
Jun 6Pondering A Pond
Jun 3On the Rocks
May 30Living Derangements
May 23Sittin’ Pretty Muddy
May 20He Who Wallows in Muck
May 16Chutes and Splatters
May 13Breaktime’s Over
May 9At The Center Of It All
May 7Pit Full Of Wit
May 2Lies Lies Lies Yeah
Apr 29Home Improvement
Apr 25Dumped On
Apr 22Perfectly Good Crusts
Apr 18With Great Power…
Apr 15Man of Steel, Girl of Titanium
Apr 11Sleepy Time Snack Slipup
Apr 8Mr. Wallowmuck Waxes Poetic
Apr 4Ellie In Space!
Apr 1A Royal Mnemonic
Mar 28Pale Green Dot
Mar 25Special Delivery
Mar 22Strang’s Mystery Alliance of Science
Mar 18Last Licks
Mar 14Un-Dressing For Dinner
Mar 11Breakfast Muffin
Mar 7Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips.
Mar 4We Need A Hero
Feb 28Surf and Turf
Feb 25It Dices! It Slices!
Feb 21Dental Mental
Feb 18From Smitten To Bitten
Feb 14Everything’s on the Menu
Feb 11Smitten
Feb 7Hole Different Intentions
Feb 4Hacked! Part 3! The Conclusion?
Jan 28Who Watches The Watcher?
Jan 24Managing The Management
Jan 20You’re Certifiable
Jan 17Check To Unsubscribe
Jan 14What Would You Pay? But Wait….
Jan 10The Nature Of The Job Has Changed
Jan 7Flirtation With Representation
Jan 3Workplace Hazards


Dec 7Smile!
Dec 3Flying Leg Drop
Nov 29Rising Tide
Nov 26Cheering Section
Nov 22Dueling Drooling
Nov 20The Crowd Gets Ugly
Nov 15Rapid Retreat
Nov 12Rival Arrival
Nov 8Hairless is More
Nov 5Inner Sanctum
Oct 31Trick The Treaters
Oct 29Drain in the Terrain
Oct 26Feats of Engineering
Oct 22High Tide
Oct 18Nothin’ But Trouble
Oct 15Nomenclature, Shmomenclature
Oct 11Goop Troop
Oct 8Not Even Room For Sardines
Oct 5Pied Piper of Planet X
Oct 1Squatter’s Rights
Sep 27Nasal Observations
Sep 24Flipper Fluid
Sep 20Solution Distribution
Sep 17Wet Between The Ears
Sep 11Jeff Flavored Jerky
Sep 6Mostly Cloudy
Sep 4Alien Invader
Aug 30One Giant Leap
Aug 27It’s A Mist Tree
Aug 23The Horror
Aug 20Getting The Point
Aug 16All Boxed Up & Nowhere To Go
Aug 13Dare ‘Em, Scare ‘Em
Aug 10Worst Fears Materialized
Aug 6Frightening Faces of Fear
Aug 2Love, Exciting & New
Jul 30Shootin’ Hoops
Jul 26You’re Soaking In It
Jul 23They Went Thataway
Jul 19Outta Sight, Outta Yer Mind
Jul 16No, Muffin No Fly
Jul 12Press To Play
Jul 10A Stone’s Throw
Jul 2Night Scares
Jun 28It’s All Oblique To Me
Jun 25That’s Ellie, Not Shelly
Jun 21Doomed To Repetition
Jun 19Gettin’ The Job Done
Jun 14Muffin’s Up
Jun 11Muffin Ventured
Jun 8To Beep Or Not To Beep
Jun 4Mind Games
May 31Can’t Touch This
May 29Technical Difficulties
May 24For Real, This Time
May 21Don’t Be Negative
May 17Complementary Colors
May 14Dinner Theater
May 10Substitute Snack
May 7Grumbly in the Tumbly
May 3Consolation Prize
Apr 30Just Desserts
Apr 26Guilt Trip
Apr 24Stealing By Any Other Name…
Apr 19Getaway Cart
Apr 16Observations On The Camelon
Apr 12High Flying Muffin
Apr 9All In The Delivery
Apr 5Confrontation Frustration
Apr 3Root of the Problem
Mar 29Rootin’ for Rhymes
Mar 26Are We There Yet?
Mar 23More Tales From Mission Control
Mar 22Hard Root to Follow
Mar 19Hide and Speak
Mar 16Inside Ellie’s Mission Control
Mar 15Rocky Road
Mar 12The Votes Are In
Mar 8Time To Go
Mar 5Adjectivity
Mar 1What Was That?
Feb 27Re-vote!
Feb 23The Polls Are Open
Feb 20Dis-Qualifications
Feb 16Young Hats in Love
Feb 13More Monocular Globulites
Feb 9Gotta Dance
Feb 6New Wheels
Feb 2Mush!
Jan 30We’ve Got a Problem
Jan 26Splendid!
Jan 23Deal Breaker
Jan 19Strange Behavior
Jan 16What’s On TV?
Jan 12Peanut-Sized Pickpockets
Jan 9Name Calling
Jan 5Finders Keepers
Jan 2Antenna Getaway


Dec 30Reception Deception
Dec 26Communications Re-established
Dec 22Nobody Move
Dec 19Fun Time’s Over
Dec 15Parallaxically Challenged
Dec 12Here Comes The Sun
Dec 8In The Clutches Of The Tentaclaw
Dec 5Crude Awakening
Dec 1Night Stalker
Nov 28Night Shift
Nov 24Trouble Clef
Nov 21Tuning Up
Nov 17Scary, Scary, Quite Contrary
Nov 14Sharing Is Caring
Nov 10Invitation Dispensation
Nov 7Light My Fire
Nov 3Camping’s Not For Everybody
Oct 31Spitting Image
Oct 27Sucked In
Oct 24Not So Scary
Oct 20Wait A Minute…
Oct 17Mmmm…Chewy!
Oct 13It’s A Shortcut
Oct 10When Opportunity Knocks…
Oct 6Check This Out!
Oct 3Gloomy Grotto
Sep 15Muffin Tops
Sep 12The Black Hole
Sep 8Travel Bingo
Sep 5Travel Stuff
Sep 1Off We Go
Aug 25He Sprays When He Speaks
Aug 22Error. Error. Error.
Aug 18For Science
Aug 15The Glowin’s Over
Aug 11I Give!
Aug 8Watch This
Aug 4No Interference
Aug 1Night Creepers
Jul 28Jeff the Muscular Hydrostat
Jul 25What To Do With A New Shovel
Jul 21Yerp.
Jul 18You Are
Jul 14Pool of Drool
Jul 11Way Over Here
Jul 7Bathtime For Muffin
Jul 4Double Bill
Jun 30Seven Things
Jun 27This won’t hurt a bit
Jun 23Suspicious
Jun 20Easily Distracted
Jun 16Shovel!
Jun 13Something For Muffin
Jun 9School of Rocks
Jun 6A Rock Is A Rock
Jun 2Shush
May 30Subject B
May 26Observing
May 23I See . . .
May 19Drink This
May 16Better Get A Bucket
May 12Rough Landing
May 9Ba-Whoomp!
May 5Travel by Bloat
May 2Ptchoo Too!
Apr 28Bad Pudding
Apr 25Banana Pudding
Apr 21Stinky
Apr 18Ptchoo!
Apr 14Hot! Hot! Hot!
Apr 11The Hat Makes The Muffin
Apr 7Flip
Apr 4A Coterie of Collective Names
Mar 31Altitude
Mar 28The Triumphant Return of Balloon Boy
Mar 24Look!
Mar 21Two For One
Mar 14I Meant to Tell You…
Mar 7Promises, Promises
Mar 3Yay!
Feb 28Making Faces
Feb 24Bwaaaah!
Feb 21Truly
Feb 17Inside Your Insides
Feb 14Good Thing
Feb 10It’s Only Rain
Feb 7Pictures in the Stars
Feb 3Muffin’s Misgivings
Jan 31How It Went
Jan 27It’s Your Turn
Jan 24That’s Your Question?
Jan 20The Great Mind Shrub
Jan 17Oh, Nature!
Jan 13Time for Lunch
Jan 10She’s a Menace
Jan 6Bad Stuff
Jan 3Crunchy! 2


Dec 30Ta Da!
Dec 27Mmm, muffins…
Dec 23What’s in a Name?
Dec 20Birthday Suit
Dec 16NNnggg!!
Dec 14A Hole in the Ground
Dec 9Mental Pictures
Dec 6The Word is Smoodged.
Nov 2921 Caterslinks
Nov 25The Art of Conversation II
Nov 23Pook Tiki Smoo
Nov 17Subject A
Nov 14And then there was Jeff
Nov 9Helping Hands
Nov 8Have a Nice Trip!
Oct 20Bath Time!
Oct 7The Jungle Oasis
Oct 4Spooky!
Sep 30No, here!
Sep 29Don’t Touch
Sep 28Rock on!
Sep 27Blowin’ in the wind
Jun 22Haiku
Jun 21Art of Conversation
Jun 20Life!
Jun 19Desolation
Jun 18Check
Jun 15One small step
Jun 14Toes
Jun 10Ellie