Magmasaurus Revealed
Ta Da!
The Mighty Magmasaurus isn’t much to look at in that first pic. This is only about twenty minutes after the last photo from the previous post.
Here it is after two days of cookin’, ready to burst forth from its incubation chamber.
The Magmasaurus escapes!
I’ve named him Stumpy.
My kids have had several “toys” which used this technology. They look great at the start, but if you leave them in the air they dry out again over the course of several days and shrink back to tiny size. To keep them big you need to keep them immersed – but often the water becomes murky and unpleasant.
I hope yours is better!
WOW!!!! Very cool!!!
That last photo has no other objects in it to show his large scale. How many feet high did he get?
Sorry about that John. Here you go!
Hi Stumpy!
@ Frank: I think I’ll leave him out and see if he shrivels back up. That might reduce his path of destruction. Unless he makes it to the lake. We’ll probably have to call in the National Guard now. At least, based on the above photo, he’s heading in the wrong direction.
@ Denver: Despite his seemingly single minded rampage, Stumpy always finds time to say hi to his fans.
I just realized that what could be going on is the plot to the children’s book I posted about before, “Dinosaur Comes To Town.”
Maybe he’s heading toward the Red Coat Tavern for burgers!