This reminds me of my reaction to every single IKEA instruction set I have ever read. It is only after I look at the pieces available and perform an analysis of the pieces vs. the final product that I can interpret the instructions.
Of course, the fact that it’s upside down doesn’t help. 🙂
(By the way, I think it’s really funny that half the comments seem to [jokingly?] neglect the fact that the manual is upside-down, and that the little blocks clearly indicate steps 1-4… 😉 )
Instructions! Always so helpful – LOL!
Only if you can read them!
Who ever reads the manual anyway? This is great!
I know I don’t. Which might explain some things. Thanks, Wouter!
This reminds me of my reaction to every single IKEA instruction set I have ever read. It is only after I look at the pieces available and perform an analysis of the pieces vs. the final product that I can interpret the instructions.
Of course, the fact that it’s upside down doesn’t help. 🙂
I’m always amazed that there are never any extra pieces left over in those IKEA kits.
Now I want Swedish meatballs.
Careful not to push that button. It appears to make her go from working to broken…
Only if Marf’s read left to right.
The GREEN button… the GREEN one… It’s Right THERE! GAH!
And you thought the pictogram instead of words would be helpful. The best laid plans of mice and men… 😉
By “you” I assume you mean everyone at the Strang Institute. I had nothing to do with it.
Hey, I had nothing to do with it!
I wonder if Ellie will go all crazy like the Iron Giant when that Jetton gets pressed?
Jim, this strip is hilarious! Muffin is so perfectly crotchety! I’m geeked for the Ellie book and the inevitable Ellie animated film!*
*Seriously Hollywood, why the hell haven’t you scooped this one up yet! What gives fools!?!
Thanks, Denver! You’re awesome!
Dumb place to put a mission ending button. She could have stumbled onto that. Also I thought it was a holoprojector
I guess it’s a lot of things: holoprojector, power indicator, reset button…who knows what else?
RTFM, Muffin. RTFM.
(By the way, I think it’s really funny that half the comments seem to [jokingly?] neglect the fact that the manual is upside-down, and that the little blocks clearly indicate steps 1-4… 😉 )
Upside down? It’s clearly a ROT-180 cypher! Those tricky humans…
Of course! Always making things more complicated than they need to be.
No doubt!
I hope pressing that button does’t make Ellie forget all about her friends, like poor WALL-E…
She’s got built in redundancies, so that shouldn’t happen. We’re quite embarrassed by the current situation though.
I enjoyed this one very much.
Thanks, Madmax!
It’s not upside down… Obviously it’s a countdown of the steps that got her into this condition.
While she was upside down. 🙂
Well, of course!
Poor Ellie :
And her fate’s in Muffin’s . . . er . . .hands. Nothing to worry about!
Muffin, it’s clear as day! It says “whatever you do, don’t hold Ellie upside down while pressing the power button twice”!
I think that’s the 4th interpretation. Apparently, not “clear as day”.