Reminds me of something that happened some 300 years ago: European explorers noticed that the African tribes of a certain locale had this superstition against stepping in puddles when it rained. The explorers, hoping to “teach [the natives] a lesson in superstition”, decided to jump in the puddles barefooted.
When they went back home they were all ridden with a strange worm parasite that is only found in that part of the world.
@ Frank: Thanks, but I’ve seen your stuff. It’s pretty amazing. I’ve been trying forever to get that whole dynamic curves vs. strait lines thing down that you make look so easy.
@ degas: Probably not, but it’s a pretty strong current.
@ Chris: I wasn’t even thinking that, but now that you mention it, yeah! What’s funny is I’ve never read Bone, but I’ve flipped through it and that scene stuck with me.
I hope she’s water tight. >_<
Flying clover! And it’s a sign of bad luck!
FWOOOOOOOOOSH is right! Another charming and beautiful installment!
Reminds me of something that happened some 300 years ago: European explorers noticed that the African tribes of a certain locale had this superstition against stepping in puddles when it rained. The explorers, hoping to “teach [the natives] a lesson in superstition”, decided to jump in the puddles barefooted.
When they went back home they were all ridden with a strange worm parasite that is only found in that part of the world.
Famous last words, eh?
“It’s only rain” she says.
Thanks for all the comments guys!
Mmmmm…parasitic worms.
I LOVE the look, feel, design and colors of your comic. I’m officially very jealous now. So cool.
yeah … I guess robots are not buoyant?
This reminds me of a scene from “bone” where in one panel it starts to snow, and the next panel has about 2 feet of snow. I love this comic!
@ Frank: Thanks, but I’ve seen your stuff. It’s pretty amazing. I’ve been trying forever to get that whole dynamic curves vs. strait lines thing down that you make look so easy.
@ degas: Probably not, but it’s a pretty strong current.
@ Chris: I wasn’t even thinking that, but now that you mention it, yeah! What’s funny is I’ve never read Bone, but I’ve flipped through it and that scene stuck with me.