Woo, I’m slow at getting to these comments!
@ Skar: Yup!
@ Tom: I understand that the ability to fly was one of those things that Ellie’s designers considered, but there just wasn’t enough room to fit that in. She’s not Artoo Detoo, ya know. ;D
@ Denver: Thanks much!
@ Dan: That’s high praise! Thank you very much! I’ll do what I can to keep that lofty position.
@ Sue: Thanks! I’m glad I can share.
@ Odo: I wonder if Acme delivers to Planet X.
@ Frank: Did I quote Slappy Squirrel? Unintended if I did.
I’ve had a drawing of the three of them piled up like that in my sketchbook for a while just waiting for the right moment to use it.
@ Michael: That was a Calvin and Hobbes moment, wasn’t it? Except C&H always managed a happy landing.
Don’t you just love cliffs? ;D
Hm, I hope Ellie can fly!
I can’t help but smile. This is classic cartooning at its best. Bravo Jim!
This is hands-down my favorite webcomic on the whole wide Interwebz. Thanks for sharing it with us 😀
Jim, Thank you so much for sharing Ellie with us, as I have told you I love it and think its great. Keep up the good work Anderson!!
Now, *that’s* comedy! Almost as good as an anvil or a stick of dynamite!
You can’t quote much better than Slappy Squirrel
Also, love how Ellie’s treads are the ones doing all the running
They need red wagons on that planet.
Radio Flyer Interplanetary Inc?
Woo, I’m slow at getting to these comments!
@ Skar: Yup!
@ Tom: I understand that the ability to fly was one of those things that Ellie’s designers considered, but there just wasn’t enough room to fit that in. She’s not Artoo Detoo, ya know. ;D
@ Denver: Thanks much!
@ Dan: That’s high praise! Thank you very much! I’ll do what I can to keep that lofty position.
@ Sue: Thanks! I’m glad I can share.
@ Odo: I wonder if Acme delivers to Planet X.
@ Frank: Did I quote Slappy Squirrel? Unintended if I did.
I’ve had a drawing of the three of them piled up like that in my sketchbook for a while just waiting for the right moment to use it.
@ Michael: That was a Calvin and Hobbes moment, wasn’t it? Except C&H always managed a happy landing.
Actually, Odo did