Don’t know if you’ve ever seen the British kids’ show Clangers (either the 70s original or the modern remake), but among the Clangers’ friends are are little orange creatures called froglets that have similar body shapes and hop around in just the same way, although they have two eyes apiece.
Heh, that made me laugh. Thanks for that. 🙂
Thanks Minifig! Then I’m doing my job.
They remind me of those little sucker toys that popped up when I was a kid. Fun!
Yep! Thanks Tom.
He he! Awesome!
Thanks Jerry!
Are those feet that telescope into their bodies, or upside-down helicopter blades?
That’s a little foot. See Tom’s post above. But if you’re wondering, it’s our belief that they are related to Balloon Boy.
Don’t know if you’ve ever seen the British kids’ show Clangers (either the 70s original or the modern remake), but among the Clangers’ friends are are little orange creatures called froglets that have similar body shapes and hop around in just the same way, although they have two eyes apiece.
I have not, but I have to see now.