One thing I’ve learned over the last, what…two years? Writing a graphic novel is not at all like writing comic strips. Comic strips enjoy the ability of being completely free of plot that moves a story forward. There doesn’t have to be a purpose they’re moving toward. In fact, for this kind of strip, that’s the whole point. Ellie’s “story” can meander all over the place. And it just keeps going and going because we don’t want it to end.
So Ellie’s story in graphic novel form is a bit more complex, with motivations and character arcs and stakes and other fun stuff. And having never written anything like that before it’s a kind of a trial and error situation. So here’s where we are: several publishers have looked it over, and though they like the ideas very much, there’s some stuff lacking. This isn’t a bad thing. In fact it’s good. Because now I get to opportunity to present a plot that’s more concise. One that I’ve just finished reworking and am sending out today. Fingers crossed.
Meanwhile, Ellie continues to send us info on her discoveries. We’ll let you know when it’s something fascinating. Also, we’ve got a few Ellie related projects in the works which I’ll clue you in on when I know more. And I haven’t forgotten about the Ellie Mission Patches. I’ll let you know about those soon too.
Thank you all very much for staying tuned in!