Archive for December, 2010
Here’s the holiday card I sent out this year for all of you to see!
Merry Christmas to us here at Mission Control!
Ellie On Planet X has been named one of the Best New Web Comics for 2010 at WIRED Magazine’s online version! Here’s what they had to say:
“Ellie is a charming robot exploring a far-off planet and befriending the very strange inhabitants thereof. The strip’s only been around since June, but the personality just jumps out of every panel and the story has a classic, all-ages approach without feeling like a retread of a newspaper comic. The strip seems to have settled into pretty regular updates, and I hope Ellie lasts at least as long as the Mars Exploration rovers.”
You can find the entire blog post, featuring some other noteworthy web comics as well, right here!
Thanks to Tom Dell’Aringa of Marooned for pointing that out!
Could I use any more exclamation points? I think I can! Wooo!!!
Steve Ogden over at Moon Town handed out some holiday treats to his fans in the form of links to new comics. He had some nice things to say about Ellie on Planet X!
“My final gift for you is Ellie on Planet X by James Anderson. These highly stylized cartoons have a wonderful take on color. The humor is really charming, sort of a combination of Calvin and Hobbes and Kiskaloo. It always makes me smile, and the art makes me want to grab my pen and draw. That’s really the most you can ask from a comic.”
Thanks Steve! And if you haven’t been there already, please, PLEASE check out his comic. It’s a pretty wonderful sci-fi serial with amazing artwork. Find it at
I’m running a little late posting today’s strip! As a bonus, here’s a digital painting I did of Ellie back in 2006 in a completely different style than I normally do. I figure as long as I post the strip before 11:59 pm EST I’m not really late. Am I right?