Here’s an “artist’s interpretation” of Ellie on the surface of Planet X from before the official launch of this site. You can see that Ellie’s design was close to her final form, but we here at Mission Control hadn’t quite worked out the minimalist color palette we enjoy today. Jeff was actually going to be green. How crazy is that?
Archive for January 18th, 2011
The folks over at Podwarp 1999 thought it good to mention Ellie on Planet X in their latest podcast. Listen starting at about 4:07. It’s brief but nice! Thanks guys!
Also mentioned in the same podcast is Christopher Baldwin’s Space Trawler. He pointed out Ellie in his blog accompanying today’s strip. Christopher is also the creator of two other great strips. I’m a fan of Bruno, which finished up back in 2007 (I think), and I’m just getting to Little Dee, the strip he completed before starting Space Trawler. Thanks Christopher!
There’s a small group of local cartoonists/artists I meet up with once a week (if time permits) that really inspire me. I wanted to give them a shout out so they know how much I care — and that their work means a lot to me. Please check them out, and heck, buy something from those that are selling their wares.
Matt Feazell, creator of the Amazing Cynicalman
Sean Bieri, the Man Who Japed
Suzanne Baumann of Fridge Magnet Concoctions
John Nagridge, good friend and terrific artist
Michelangelo Cicerone, creator of Ozone Jones
Thanks for the inspiration!