We’re running late with today’s installment. And by late I mean it won’t be posted until tomorrow. So instead here is a little bit of the animation I designed for Matt Feazell’s Amazing Cynicalman Movie! He premiered it over the weekend at S.P.A.C.E., the small press and comics expo in Columbus, Ohio. Enjoy, and we’ll see you tomorrow!
Archive for April, 2012
Mission Control has a lot of friends making stuff and doing amazing things this week.
First up, Matt Feazell, creator of the comic strip The Amazing Cynicalman, will be showing his feature length, live action Cynicalman Movie this weekend at S.P.A.C.E. in Columbus, Ohio! I did some special effects and animation for the film too. Don’t miss it!
Next, our friend Eric Orchard just released a digital comic called Marrowbones! It’s spooky and fun and the first in a series. And it’s going for only $2!
Thirdly, Jake Parker, creator of Missile Mouse, started a Kickstarter Campaign for his new project, The Antler Boy And Other Stories. He’s already surpassed his goal four times over! Help him make more.
Lastly, our good friend and creator of the comic Marooned, Tom Dell’Aringa, is making these awesome limited edition posters. Watch his site for news as to when he’ll be releasing them!
With all the looks inside of Jeff and Muffin lately (and Ellie too, for that matter) let’s see what’s inside the noggin of a Camelon. This one has a much nicer set of choppers than those that appear in today’s installment. There must be something in those Great Gigantical Juicy Roots what causes tooth decay, or its Planet Xian equivalent.
Last month our resident alien expert, Peanut, showed you the cover of the March issue of Awesome Science Journal that featured an interview with her.
Now here’s the interview! I was going to post this up above in with the comics, but the text was mighty small to read. Click on the pic below to big-a-fy.
Here’s a really, really rough sketch of all the parts that make up Ellie. You’ll note that this is from an earlier, more primitive design of our favorite space explorer, but all of her pieces are pretty much the same and accounted for. If you squint you might even be able to tell which ones are which. Click it to make bigger.
A few weeks ago I posted a look into what goes on inside Ellie’s Mission Control here at the Strang Institute. Here’s a look inside that look.
It all starts with a bunch of sketches to get the idea of how to best portray Mission Control in the most interesting way.
Next, precise measurements of the interior of the real Mission Control were fed into a computer to create a virtual model of it to be used as a guide for the painting. It was sketched over, built up layer by layer, tweaked, things added, things taken away, all to get to the final illustration you enjoy today. Click the animated gif below to see a slightly larger version.
Finally, here’s a few close ups of some of the detail!
Today’s comic is running late. The Strang Institute’s main computer was being a little fussy. And by fussy, I mean it was throwing a tantrum, as highly intelligent AIs are apt to do from time to time. So, while we’re playing catch up, here’s a pic of a couple of the kids from the local elementary school on their field trip to Mission Control. We’ll be back on schedule by tomorrow morning!