Jeff’s Insides Part 2
Last month our resident alien expert, Peanut, showed you the cover of the March issue of Awesome Science Journal that featured an interview with her.
Now here’s the interview! I was going to post this up above in with the comics, but the text was mighty small to read. Click on the pic below to big-a-fy.
I hope that’s not how she writes her reports as well
Never fear. She’s quite professional and thorough. She’s just not a big fan of interacting with others.
Peanut is a fun character.
I suspect she’s fun. If we can just get her out of her shell. 🙂
Admit it, you set that up with Splox5 just so you could use that line.
Planet X creatures give a whole new twist to the old idiom, “wearing your heart on your sleeve.” 🙂