Who Watches The Watcher?
Despite the disaster that befell the website last night, our crack I.T. department here at The Strang Institute got everything put back in place and running smoothly. So, we apologize for the lack of Ellie adventures this morning, but we’re back up and moving right long. And how’dya like the fancy Star Trek reference in the strip title, huh?
Discussion (22) ¬
All those eyes, no wonder that the little feller won’t come out. I don’t think that Ellie is afraid at all! Though she just might not have noticed the eyes yet.
I don’t think that Ellie has ever heard of the Prime Directive, and is far too helpful to follow it if she has! In Ellie’s case, I think that the observer effect is a very positive thing. I think that even Muffin is coming around.
Prime Directive? The Strang Institute is far, far, more competent in science than the Federation.
We’d like to think so.
How do you know they’re not just an eye-shaped species?
You may not be 100% back up to speed. There’s about a dozen lines of text at the top of my screen “blah blah blah cashpaydayloans blah blah etc”. Although I can definitely see Bonnie Belle hawking 50% interest paycheck loans.
That’s just like Bonnie Bell.
Thanks, Ed8. What browser are you using? I’ve seen it in the code, but not on the actual page. We’re working to dig it out of there now. Obviously it’s some attempt at some evil rival science institute to gain access to our computer systems.
Firefox 17.0.1 – it’s still there. Those darn rival science institutes, they’ll stoop to anything!
Thanks, Ed8. We’re on the job.
This new strip was worth waiting, the composition is so strong in this image. Well done!
Thanks, Alex!
Jim, if you ever get Ellie printed, you are going to have to sell each copy with an XL bib so that we don’t drool all over the pages!
That’s why each book will be sealed in a block of lucite.
That’ll make for a page turner!
Lucite? Mmm… nah. Got anything in an ultra high density epoxy?
I’m too much of a Marvel comics geek. When I read your title, I thought of the bald-headed character that usually just watched and took no action, except when it came to Galactus.
That said, beautiful strip!!!
Thanks, John. Surprising as it may seem, I’m a complete comics idiot. Other than the big names, I have no idea about anything. And also surprising, my knowledge of Trek is mostly through osmosis. I didn’t study it but I’ve managed to retain large portions of information only useful in trivia games.
I can’t seem to find it now, but I recently read that if transmission of knowledge by osmosis were possible, things would actually be leaking out of your brain instead of in!
Yep, that’s me, knowledge leaking out of my head.
Wow, just read through your archives, why didn’t I know about this comic much earlier? Then again reading it in one go is nice too.
Thanks, Dranorter! Welcome aboard! Make sure you check out the menu links at the top of the page for more fun stuff, especially Extra! Extra! There’s all kinds of addition background info pulled from the blog on Ellie and the Strang Institute in there.