Hacked! Part 3! The Conclusion?
In case, dear reader, you weren’t aware, the Strang Institute CPU was hacked a week back (see the last two installments here and here) . With the help of Dr. Marek Kozak, we were able to find the source of the hacking, but not before international hacker supreme, The Kangaroo Rat, was able to make off with some of our closely held scientific knowledge.
We’re not sure who The Kangaroo Rat was working for and it’ll be some time before we can determine exactly what information she swiped. Professor Strang, founder of the Institute and the man responsible for sending Ellie to Planet X, had rivals in his time. It’s possible they’re still seeking to learn his secrets. We may have to deal with them some time in the future.
Meanwhile, Dr. Kozak is working on beefing up the CPU security and can’t stop talking about The Kangaroo Rat. I think he’s got a crush.
We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled Ellie broadcasts on Thursday!
Oooh, exciting!
Oh, it sounds exciting now, but when it was happening, it was really very . . .
Awww, who am I kidding? It was exciting!
Awesome conclusion!
Except for the part where she stole our closely held scientific knowledge. That part, not so awesome. 🙂
Looks like they kept the stuff offline and she had to break in. Is Strang gonna do decoys and encryption?
Secondly they are going to need to send somebody to get it back. Hmmm…. spin off comic or a side issue?
Ooh – nice shout out to Lost In Space, too! Danger Strang Institute! Danger!
Clearly the Lost In Space robot was a prototype for our computer. 🙂
Kangaroo rat! Very funny!
I’m sure that she thinks she’s funny!
Now that we know there are nefarious rival Science Institutes, I’m wondering if some of Dr. Strang’s rivals tried to send their own robot explorers to Planet X also? Who knows what might be crash landing there any day now?
Oh, gosh, I hope not!
Is it wise to use that zapper gun so close to the supercomputer?
No harm, no foul.
Not yet.
Oh, yeah, probably not.