Mission Control here. Ellie keeps sending us newly discovered species to gawk over, but she hasn’t assigned names to all of them yet. Here’s a group shot of some of them (not to scale)!
Posts Tagged Bestiary
Ellie discovered a new species, which she labeled the Fuzzy Rumpus, due to its rather furry behind. They’re regularly mistaken for shrubs since they burrow down into the ground and only their hind ends show above the surface. Sometimes they remain in place for years until they suck the moisture out of the ground. Then they move on. So it’s a rare occurrence to actually catch one with its front end out in public.
Another entry from Ellie’s field guide of observations: The Denticulated Arborial Hangdog, actual size.
The Hangdog sits high up in the trees, waiting for unwary passers-by to pounce upon. His stinging bite lasts for only a split second, but he feels really guilty about it afterward.
Another fine example of Planet X-ian wildlife. This is a Lemon Drop Flutterby, a relative of the Cellophane Wing Flutterby.
Here’s a sketch of what is believed to be the Chromatic Winged Pea Flit, approximately actual size (depending on your monitor).