Here are a couple of ornery looking beasts that have some anatomical similarities to our four-legged friend Jeff and his bud with six appendages, Muffin.
Here are a couple of ornery looking beasts that have some anatomical similarities to our four-legged friend Jeff and his bud with six appendages, Muffin.
We’re a day behind in the posting of comics here at Mission Control. To tide you over, here’s some old artwork of Ellie (image 822 from my electronical sketchbook) exploring some mysterious Planet Xian environment instead. We’ll have a new strip for your enjoyment first thing Friday morning. Thanks for checkin’ in!
Oh, it’s Memorial Day weekend here in the U.S. of A. and even the Strang Institute closes for the day. Here are a few drawings made on a visit to the Detroit Zoo over the weekend. You might recognize the fountain as the same one in the snow globe in the movie Coraline. Ellie will be back tomorrow!
With all the looks inside of Jeff and Muffin lately (and Ellie too, for that matter) let’s see what’s inside the noggin of a Camelon. This one has a much nicer set of choppers than those that appear in today’s installment. There must be something in those Great Gigantical Juicy Roots what causes tooth decay, or its Planet Xian equivalent.
Here’s a really, really rough sketch of all the parts that make up Ellie. You’ll note that this is from an earlier, more primitive design of our favorite space explorer, but all of her pieces are pretty much the same and accounted for. If you squint you might even be able to tell which ones are which. Click it to make bigger.
A few weeks ago I posted a look into what goes on inside Ellie’s Mission Control here at the Strang Institute. Here’s a look inside that look.
It all starts with a bunch of sketches to get the idea of how to best portray Mission Control in the most interesting way.
Next, precise measurements of the interior of the real Mission Control were fed into a computer to create a virtual model of it to be used as a guide for the painting. It was sketched over, built up layer by layer, tweaked, things added, things taken away, all to get to the final illustration you enjoy today. Click the animated gif below to see a slightly larger version.
Finally, here’s a few close ups of some of the detail!