Posts Tagged Sketchbook
Last weekend, while attending Detroit Fanfare, I sketched a few of the people walking around or sitting near the Ellie On Planet X table. Here’s a few pages. Chewie and the Thing weren’t in attendance, but the armadillo was!
Here’s four things to tell you today:
1) It’s been a crazy couple of weeks here at Mission Control, so today’s installment of Ellie’s adventures won’t be showing up until Friday morning. Make sure you come back and check it out!
2) I’ll be appearing at Detroit Fanfare this weekend at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn, MI.
I’ll be there on Saturday and Sunday for sure, and possibly Friday if my schedule permits. I’ll have a bit of Ellie swag with me for sale too. Hope to see you there!
3) Those of you who got weird Twitter messages from me, sorry about that! It appears we were hacked! I think our top I.T. guys have got it back under control.
And 4) Since there’s no comic today I thought I’d share this drawing from my sketchbook. My mom told me this story not long ago. It seems that when she was young, she remembered a strange old man who came into her yard, took one of the family chickens and drank its blood! Super creepy, I know! This is how I pictured it. Click to bigafy.
Here’s a drawing from the corners of my sketchbook that just might be who Ellie is referring to in the panel below. Click on the bottom pic to go to the original comic.
I went to the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators conference in the Great Lake State over the weekend. During the lectures I drew people.
One of my favorite comic strips ended yesterday. So in honor of Richard Thompson’s Cul de Sac, I drew Petey reading his favorite comic.
So it’s Labor Day here in the U.S. of A. and, as you can see, there’s no new Ellie strip to brighten your afternoon. Well, that’s partly due to the holiday, and also due to me getting back to Mission Control rather late last night. Whilst out walking her dog, my significant other happened upon a Cooper’s Hawk that had seemingly flown into a window and hurt itself rather badly. So being the first responder to all things animalia that she is, she scooped it up and brought it home.
We spent some time calling around and finding someone who took in injured birds of prey and, with the help of our friend, the local bird lady, we found a place an hour away and in the middle of nowhere. The woman who took our hawk in was great. We know our Alice the Cooper’s Hawk is in good hands!
We’ll have a new strip for you in the morning, but here’s a sketch of what appears to be a female Meandering Wobblyjog. That’s our assumption anyway as they tend to be larger than the males.