Posts Tagged Sketchbook
First, Andy Goldman at Lithicbee posted a really nice revue of Ellie on Planet X last week for Webcomics Wednesday. He was really kind to include Ellie in with the amazing comic Kukuburi. Click the Lithicbee below to read it!
And B) I went to see John Carter over the weekend. Loved it! Here’s my rendition of Disney’s rendition of the King of the Tharks.
A quick sketch of a recently cataloged species. Try and say its name out loud. It’s fun and tongue twisty.
Not saying whether or not this was drawn from life, although I’m aware that Smilodon had a short bobcat-like tail. Click to see bigger.
During my lunch break today I wandered the grounds of the Strang Institute where I caught sight of our two cloned mastodons. Betsy and Violet are pretty elusive, so if you spot them then you’re pretty lucky. I ran across them goofing around in the relatively warm January sun and did some quick sketches. Violet even came right up to me to see what I was doing.
Among Planet X’s more obnoxious denizens is the Familiar Pinching Flit (seen here actual size). Sure, they might look all fuzzy and cute, but behind that big puppy-dog eye that melts your heart lies a critter so annoying, it drives both quadrapus and marf mad.
This particular species of flit spends its days sucking the juicy interiors out of a variety of jelly grasses. Once it’s had its fill, it quickly grows bored. And a bored flit is a flit looking for trouble. It then meets up with other bored flits and they start buzzing around, looking for a victim.
Then the pinching starts. This is where it helps to have a titanium alloy shell.