Kind of a slow day at Mission Control. The parking lot is nearly empty.
That statue, by the way? Here’s a sketch I did of it from a few years back:
Kind of a slow day at Mission Control. The parking lot is nearly empty.
That statue, by the way? Here’s a sketch I did of it from a few years back:
Just where on Planet X is the Jungle Oasis, you ask? Well, it’s in the middle of the Tranquility Crater Valley, named for the Sea of Tranquility where men from the planet Earth first stepped foot on the Moon.
Ellie discovered a new species, which she labeled the Fuzzy Rumpus, due to its rather furry behind. They’re regularly mistaken for shrubs since they burrow down into the ground and only their hind ends show above the surface. Sometimes they remain in place for years until they suck the moisture out of the ground. Then they move on. So it’s a rare occurrence to actually catch one with its front end out in public.
I’m lucky enough to get my own office here at Mission Control. This is what it looks like (click to bigafy):
I think Ellie was late for her launch to Planet X. Here’s a commission I dd for the comic Ace Kilroy a few years ago. I’m not sure if their Ellie was swiping our Ellie, or if she was getting her to the launch on time. By the way, that’s a much younger Ralph Peterson, the security guard, back there.
Little known fact: Professor Cornelius Strang, Ellie’s creator, in his younger days was the inspiration for some of our most beloved pop-culture icons. It’s true! You can look it up.
There’s a special exhibit running at Mission Control now through the end of the year – everything you ever wanted to know about Jeff. Get over there and see it. It’s really something.
And look! They used my art on the outside of the building. How cool is that?
Reader KNO3 asked if we ever planned on making Ellie’s Mission Patch for you readers to purchase. Is this something you would be interested in? I’m in the process of pricing them out. I could set up a Kickstarter so there wouldn’t be any overhead.
Just so you know, the original patch (below right) is no longer in use at the Strang Institute. We’re currently sporting the updated version on the left.
Let us know what you think!
We’re working hard here at Ellie’s Mission Control. Sometimes I have to remind myself to get off of my butt and go outside to soak up some sun.
It’s that time of year again! I’ll be representin’ for Mission Control at Kids Read Comics in Ann Arbor, MI in two weeks. Come out and see me on June 20th and 21st. I’ll have some Ellie stuff for sale! And there’s tons of really awesome cartoonists gonna be there too! Come see!