Little known fact: Professor Cornelius Strang, Ellie’s creator, in his younger days was the inspiration for some of our most beloved pop-culture icons. It’s true! You can look it up.
Posts Tagged Strang Tales
Things are a little slow at here at Mission Control. Ellie keeps sending her data and we keep interpreting it. We’ll let you know if she discovers anything exciting.
Just a quick note: I’ll be at the MSU Comics Forum this Saturday in Lansing, MI. I’ve got some comics and sketchbooks for sale, and…I’ve got the first 50 pages of the Ellie Graphic Novel if you wanna peek at ’em! That’s Saturday, February 21, 11 am to 5 pm.
Meanwhile, I’m going to take a break and catch up on my reading.
Here’s another scan from the current book I’m reading, Strang Tales, the biography of Dr. Cornelius Strang, discoverer of Planet X and creator of Ellie. I’ve skipped ahead a few chapters to read about the famous group of heroes the Doctor gathered together, Strang’s Mystery Alliance of Science.
I want to thank all my buds at the Comic Creators Mini Group for helping me dig up additional info on the Phenominal Five. Go check out the Tumblr we started featuring a weekly sketch challenge.
And if the image from the book above is a little small for you to see, click the pic below for a larger version. We’ll be back to Ellie on Monday!
It takes me quite a while to get through a book, especially one as thick as Strang Tales, the biography of Dr. Cornelius Strang, discoverer of Planet X and creator of Ellie. At the rate I’m going, we’ll be celebrating ten years of monitoring Ellie on Planet X before I even get halfway through this book. Here’s another scan from the book’s insides (go here for the first one). Just click on the pic below and read how Dr. Strang was inspired to make his great discoveries!
I mentioned a while back that I was reading Strang Tales, the rather hefty biography of Dr. Cornelius Strang, founder of the Strang institute and the man responsible for Ellie’s expedition to Planet X. Well, here’s a scan of the first couple of pages. Unfortunately the book was a little heavy for my scanner and…well…I’ll be getting a new one now. Just click on the pic below to see the whole thing!
The authorized biography of Dr. Cornelius Strang is pretty much required reading here at the Institute. And at 2263 pages and thirteen pounds, it’s a hefty tome. But it’s definitely not a dull read. The Doctor was a pretty interesting guy which makes it difficult to put it down. That, and finding a piece of furniture to support it. Haha…yeah…
I’ll be sure to post an excerpt or two in the future. Now, back to reading!
Man, I should have gotten the digital version.