Jeff of the Jungle
Hi, everybody! There’s been a lot going on here at Mission Control, despite the lack of posts.
First, work on the first draft of the script for the Ellie on Planet X graphic novel nears completion. If you find yourself asking, “Wha…? A graphic novel?” then you need to check this post from last month! After I finish that I need to go back through it, tighten up the dialog (it’s pretty wordy) and add some more funny. Then the drawing will commence. I’m on no particular timeline, but I really want to get to the fun part! I’ve been listening to the Ellie on Planet X soundtrack (which is amazingly identical to the Finding Nemo soundtrack) to keep me inspired.
Second, I’ll be at the Michigan State University Comics Forum next Saturday, along with all sorts of super talented cartoonists. The guest of honor is none other than Stan Sakai, creator of Usagi Yojimbo. It’s a free event, so if you’re in the area, come visit!
Lastly, I colored up Denver Brubaker’s inks of Usagi Yojimbo as part of a special tribute to Stan Sakai. I’ll post more about that in the future. Here’s a sneak peak:
Meanwhile, enjoy the pic of Jeff above, peaking out of the Jungle Oasis!
“…work on the first draft of the Ellie on Planet X graphic novel nears completion…”
When I first read that, I thought you meant you were almost done drawing it already. I thought “Wow! That guy’s a machine! He must have been drawing 24/7!” 🙂
Oops! Yep, I meant the script. I’ll edit the post to reflect that!
Great to hear!! Can’t wait to see a Ellie Book! Denver’s Usagi and your coplouring are GREAT!
Thanks, Don!
Awesome news! It’ll be great to have a version of Ellie’s Adventures that can be held or smelled or wrapped up in wrapping paper! Any idea how easy it will be to get internationally when its published?
Thanks, LdaQuirm! I imagine it’ll be pretty easy to get. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s still lots of work ahead. When I finish my script and sample pages, I have an agent who will then take them around to different publishers. If one of them likes it enough, and I sign a contract, then the real work of finishing the story begins. After that I hope you’ll be able to find it in stores and on Amazon, etc. But there’s a long road ahead yet!
Or if that fails, Kickstarter.
If all else fails.
Or Amazon digital.
Smelled? What an excellent suggestion! The scratch-and-sniff version of Ellie’s adventures! I wonder what scratching a Muffin smells like?
In other news:
NASA fails to find Planet X
Silly NASA! – They were looking in the wrong place for it!
is there a poster of this page?
jeff never ceases to be adorable!
Thanks a bunch. I’ll hafta see what I can do about that!